Labels:book | bulletin board | monitor | poster | reckoner OCR: Reguirements card DOS computer CD-ROM drive Windows 3.1+ with "Sound Recorder "Media Plaver' installed sound Getting Started: (1.) log onto your CD drive type "GO<enter> select the menu choice labeled "Read Me" and follow the on -sceen instructions Use Windows Sound Recder or Media Player r play the sounds Sound Files: The them sound any files way uo All this sound disc files are may NOT be run shareware! directly You from may the NOT CD or copy copied them to your another hard CD drive nor distribute files non these There on-disc Saugus -profit are files MA uses. no or Howe royalties use obtain ver them tel: required some license (617 uses for way 595 using require use 0684 NOT these roya fax sound listed Ities 617 files effects or please 595- are the and 1854 contact: restricted music ap ...